行方知れず Lyrics

Ado missing 行方知れず Lyrics Romaji Romanized And English Translation

Ado missing 行方知れず Lyrics Romaji Romanized

itsuka / doko ka / nani datte hoshī # jōhō motome mu # kaimu

shōtai o tsukamitai aitsu wa kitto jigoku ka tengoku no supai

sā mondai mitsukacchatta hatashite docchi no irai ?

iya yūgai ka yūeki ka wa ittan oiteokō dokkoi ゝ

atashi   ria takashinagara   bāchuaru ?

ame sarashi   zubunure no junjōmi   azatoi ?

yogoretai no zensen de   dare ka yōdatetekureyo

abunakkashiku mo inochigake   makasete datō


mā minna bagu ya erā wa kakusushi bugai hi atsukai shikashi

ippō de dōshite bakuro shitai nante omoeru nda ? yakkai

onushi   neto takashinagara   senshuaru ?

memai shi   yoidore no shūkyō mi   kiwadoi ?

kowaretai no zenrei de   shirafu no mama but tobuzo

tokimeite furikaeri sama ni   meshimase mashō


hyotto shite shinsō yori yū ni jiko kaishaku shinjiteinai ka

ichi oku sō noirōze tagai ni wa nashi kīte disu kabā

ja kōshite mukaiau aite o hyōshite donna sonzai ?

kehai o keshita atashi koso kitto jigoku to tengoku no supai


Ado missing 行方知れず Lyrics English Translation

I want someday/somewhere/anything #Information Wanted #None

I want to find out who this guy is, whether he’s a spy from hell or heaven.

Now we’ve got a problem… which is it going to be?

Let’s put aside for the moment whether it’s harmful or beneficial.

I’m a real person, but I’m a virtual one.

I’m a real person, but I’m a virtual person?

I want to get dirty… on the front line.

I want to get dirty… and I want to get dirty… and I want to get dirty… and I want to get dirty.

Public Enemy

Well, we all hide bugs and errors, and we all keep them to ourselves.

But on the other hand, why would anyone want to expose it? That’s the problem.

You’re a netizen, yet you’re a sensual one, aren’t you?

Dizzy, drunken religious slut?

I want to break down, and with all my heart, I’m gonna blow you away face-first.

I want to break down, I want to break down, I want to break down, I want to break down, I want to break down, I want to break down, I want to break down

psychic remedy

do you not believe in self-interpretation over truth?

a billionaire’s neurosis we listen to each other and discuss

what do you say about the person you’re facing?

I’m sure I’m a spy between hell and heaven


Ado missing 行方知れず Lyrics Japanese





あたし リア充ながら バーチュアル?

雨晒し ずぶ濡れの純情み あざとい?

汚れたいの前線で 誰か用立ててくれよ

あぶなっかしくも命懸け まかせて打倒




おぬし ネト充ながら センシュアル?

目眩し 酔いどれの宗教み きわどい?

壊れたいの全霊で 素面の侭ぶっ飛ぶぞ

ときめいて振り返り様に めしませ魔性






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